Hand to hand combat has roots in prehistoric times, influencing every culture since the dawn of mankind. Ancient inscriptions reveal that some type of fighting has always existed, seemingly embedded in our DNA. Be it a “fight” or “flight” response from the threat of imminent danger, aggression and survival are basic instincts. Building a better warrior was and continues to be a natural progression (self-defense against oppression and/or predatory warfare).
Fighting lies at the very core of civilization, a transgression that leads to the inevitable: WAR. Some of the earliest literary works depict human conflict; a the thirst for power quenched only by violence. The Iliad conjures images of the mighty Achilles and his wrath during the Trojan War while the Bible chronicles epic battles of good versus evil throughout the scriptures. Wars of expansion, wars of defense or Holy wars all share one thing in common: a will to win. Sun Tsu said it best, “If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.” His vivid narrative of military tactics became a definitive lesson in strategy, the Art of War.
Martial Arts or the “Arts of Mars” in Latin is derived from the Roman god of war. Its military connotation, “kill or be killed,” is a philosophy that resonates among thousands of armed and unarmed methods of self-defense; many steeped in tradition and influenced by cultural, religious, or ethnic backgrounds. Today, “martial art” has become a catch-all, almost generic term that universally and collectively describes combat systems from around the world dating back to antiquity. What is and what isn’t technically a martial art is truly a subjective topic, a debate reserved for another day. Learn more about The history of mixed martial arts